There are not enough Vintage Bentleys to go around and they are very expensive to buy. If you want one, you can do as others have done and build your own.
First, find a chassis number of one that has disappeared and then you can resuscitate it. By reviewing the latest edition of Bentley: The Vintage Years - 1919-1931 by Clare Hay you will find many chassis numbers that appear to be no longer active. Many of these cars were destroyed or have disappeared for one reason of another, giving you the opportunity to "find" the chassis and resurrect the car. The less information known about this car will allow you to build a car as you imagine it. Three Litre model chassis numbers are the most available and you will find more parts available to purchase. A speed model with a Vanden Plas touring body will be easiest to create and will fetch a very good price when you sell it. Check to make sure that the chassis number is not currently in use. The Bentley Drivers Club (BDC) can provide information on that chassis number to see if someone beat you to it and the DVLA can confirm that the car is not registered. You now have a "home free" pass to build your dream car. But to make the most money when you sell your car, build a Speed Six or 8 Litre. A little more work but more profitable.
Now let's get started. You need a chassis. There are several sources. Not long ago David Wilson showed us how to build a new chassis. |
If you have tried viewing this video, the message you would have seen is, "This video is private." The video was taken off "Public viewing" by the owner of this YouTube channel, Anthony Barrett, after this article was published on June 3, 2016. Prior to the time it was removed from public viewing, the following text (verbatim) was being used to describe the video:
"Published on Apr 20, 2015
This is David Wilson, he was the chassis Guru, axle straightener extraordinaire, we are re riveting a chassis together, this man was an absolute gent who was taken well before his time due to (in my opinion) being over worked the fact that he was underpaid was another matter. all you Aero engine car enthusiasts Dave probably did the conversion or actually built the chassis from scratch, I know there are some very special Vauxhalls out there that he manufactured, Dave claimed he had hand built around 300 Vintage Bentley chassis in his time in the business, that is remarkable, In his latter years I beat out the chassis rails on the formers to help him along.
Anthony Barrett"
You then stamp the chassis number of your choice on the chassis and you now have an original Vintage Bentley. Next, you can collect the parts you will need. New and used parts are available from many sources. The BDC provides these sources through their BDC Advertiser and Diary and the BDC Vintage Bentley Spares Scheme. The BDC also provides The Technical Facts of the Vintage Bentley, a manual to guide you through the assembly process and which is also useful in maintaining and repairing your car in the future. If you feel you need help building your car there are many companies who specialize in restorations. A coachbuilder can build your body. Everything is available!
Does this sound expensive? Considering the resale prices, it can be very profitable in the end. Need up front cash? Next month we will teach you how to print your own money. 