www.VintageBentleys.org N E W S L E T T E R March 2016
Vintage Bentley 8 Litre
Help us to connect the 8-litre dots
The VintageBentleys.org register of original 8-litre Bentleys lists 100 chassis nos. But information about the following 8-litre vintage Bentley cars has eluded us so far. We reach out to our readers for any contributions of historic information or photos related to the following 8-litre WOs:
Chassis Nos. YF5007, YF5016, YR5078, YR5082, YR5090, YR5098, YM5026, YM5029, YM5048, YM5049, YX5101, YX5104 & YX5120 We look forward to hearing from you. >>>  


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