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Oil filter and circulation system in
Vintage Bentleys |
The focus of our January 2014 newsletter
was whether the oil filter and circulation system on
an early 3 Litre (or any other Vintage Bentley) be maintained
as original or can it, or should it be improved or replaced?
Read this article below.
This topic has generated significant interest and we
are updating this page constantly with feedback received
from our readers:
Julian Ghosh - Feb 11,
Dear Robert, I know we are united by a common
language but notwithstanding that, it is
easy to make assumptions.
Placing a modern filter in to the main oil
gallery will result in a considerable pressure
drop due to the ensuing restriction. No
modern car system does this but instead
filters the relief flow from the pump. Clearly
the flow rate of modern pumps is higher
than those of 90 years ago but engines nowadays
require more flow to cool the oil because
one can run at
continuous high speed more readily. We have
an arrangement whereby the oil to the overhead
gear on a Bentley engine only is filtered,which
appears sufficient, since the oil is circulated
so many times.
Apropos filters on carburettors; please
bear in mind that there is a secondary function,
which is to silence the intake roar. Hardly
significant on a Bentley but good reason
to fit such things on modern cars. I guess
you will not have any evidence to support
undue engine wear after 90 years on a Bentley
engine due to lack of an air filter but
needless to say fitting such a device will
alter the mixture strength
Christopher Jonas -
Feb 11, 2014
Dear Robert. Thank you so much for the brilliant
Newsletter. I read every word with interest!
The most fantastic engineer is Steve Wynne,
so anything he says or writes is golden
info. Many thanks again.
Chris Tutton - Feb 08,
Air-Filters on Carburetors
I cannot understand why anyone should be
in any doubt over the non-use of air-filtration
at the time in motorcar development 'we'
seem to be concerned with.
S.U Carburetor Company supplied their air
& fuel mixing devices, to several makes
of motorcar over many years during and after
Bentley Motors. Riley, MG, Bugatti, Wolsey
to quote known names, certainly never used
air-filters. The Twin Slopers used on the
Bentleys were never intended in any case
for air -filtration. Any one who has worked
in tuning and air induction with combustion
engines, will know that any filter added
to an air-intake, impedes air flow, yes,
even today, the same rule applies. 'Rams'
are used to improve air-flow, and that is
before we talk about supercharging the air-induction.
Leave the Bentley-Engine alone, it was very
well designed by his Master and does need
changing because 'we find it odd'!!!
Gregory Porter - Feb
08, 2014
Robert, No W.O. Bentley came with air filters.
The covers on HG5 SU that were fitted to
4.5, Speed Six, Blowers, 4, and 8 litre
are flash bowls. They help prevent fire.
The modern air filters that can be fitted
are very good. My dad fitted K&N filters
to his 4.5 before it taking the car to South
Africa in 1995. In all reality you really
don't need air filters on a 3 Litre. I would
recommend them if you are going to do some
serious rallying, or if you are going to
race the car.
Dave Lyons - Jan 05,
Many thanks for sending me your informative
newsletter. I am the lucky owner of a late
1930 4.5l genuine short chassis (AD3651).
Still with its original Harrison open body.
It has been restored and refurbished a number
of times and is currently in very good condition
both mechanically and bodily. I do indeed
have a cartridge oil filter system which
works very well. The car is fitted with
a D-type box. We are based in Cape Town
South Africa, where there are very few cars.
Your cars for sale column gives a good indication
of the value of these cars. I would imagine
an unmolested car like ours may attract
a premium.
Many thanks again for your input. Have a
great 2014.
Chris Tutton - Dec 30,
My late father Eric Tutton did have some
mechanical problems with the cars (XU
3281 / KD
123). However, in your latest newsletter,
you refer to oil lubrication problems with
the 3 litre. I have to say that there was
never, I repeat never, trouble with the
lubrication of those engines! Even with
the greater-stressed 3/4 1/2 that we ran
did that engine suffer the complaint that
you mention! Boiling water and cross-shaft
gears maybe.
Yours, Chris Tutton
Whit Ball - Dec 28,
Good evening and Happy New Year to all,
Oil is always good to have on start up.
I fitted an Accusump 3 quart 'Pre-oilier'
to 946 in 2000, the engine was finished
just barely (isn't that always the way?)
in time to load on the boat for the 2000
BDC tour to Italy and back plus the
Yanks did an early bit in France to start
it all off.
You can find Accusump listed for sale on
most USA race car sites, as they have saved
many an engine while on the track. Basically
it works this way. Hook up the one tube
to the largest oil inlet you have (left
rear of block as I remember it) mount shut
off valve AT THE ACCUSUMP INLET, this should
be a 1/4 turn valve and can be hooked to
a pull/push cable [or they can supply an
electric open/close valve and a toggle switch
will work it). Fill the engine with oil,
run it, till a little warm, with zero pressure
in the tank (rear mounted tire fill stem
and pressure gauge you will be familiar
with by now) add 2 quarts to the engine
oil and run it again, when warm, open the
valve watch the cars oil pressure
gauge it will drop, rev slightly
to bring it back to your normal operating
pressure, the rev a bit more, and if the
gauge shows more shut the Accusump valve.
You now have either 2 or 3 quarts of oil
in the pressure tank (still with zero pressure)
and if you bought a 3 quart unit you are
now that quart low in the engine. Refill
the engine if needed. Put air hose to the
tire fill on the back of the tank, careful
you want about 20 pounds more than
your normal shown pressure only. Check to
see that all the oil is inside where it
belongs, and you are set to try it.
With all normal starting systems set to
just push the button for start (sorry, my
Smith's starter pull knob is still on the
dash but for decoration only). Open the
valve, watch the dash pressure gauge and
give it a moment past the normal full pressure
showing and you have an engine full of oil,
so hit start, you can most likely watch
the gauge go down, and before it bottoms
out, come right back up. KEEP THE VALVE
When your temps are all to normal, again
rev it just a bit for higher for a bit of
extra pressure, and open the valve, when
the pressure shows the same level again,
shut the valve.
Takes more writing than work, and I think
it is well worth it.
For the money I also added a full flow [Fram
HP-1] racing size openings, [bigger openings=smaller
pressure loss], I did not put a back flow
[one way flapper valve] in the line, tie
it in on the engine side of the filter,
and be sure the feed hose for the filter
does not go downhill all the way back to
the sump or the hose and part of
the filter will be empty, and take a good
bit of oil just to get any to the engine.
Another way, would be to get an electric
diff/trans oil cooler pump, tap into the
sump, feed into the block inlet above the
pump, a bit slower, a bit less pressure,
but there will be enough oil to do the lube
it needs to.
How long would my new engine have lasted
without it? Don't know, but I haven't done
anything to the insides now for 13 years,
and still it almost takes a 4.5L with a
'fan' to pass me bet someone will
be wanting to test that in Maine this May.
Bring it on.
Hope this was of interest.
Steve Wynne - Dec 28,
First thank you for your news mail which
I very much enjoy receiving. I am writing
in response to your first item regarding
oil filters. I too dont like the look
of the modern spin on conversion, so I have
constructed my own, which works well.
I rebuilt my engine some 205,000 klm ago
and fitted the filter then. It comprises
of 2 Mercedes Smart Car filters on top of
each other, which nicely fit in the original
housing, they are a little tall so I made
a simple brass cap extension, which I think
looks fairly period. Now before anyone makes
a comment, I know the oil is flowing through
the filter in the wrong direction, but it
makes no difference as the filters are very
sturdy, and as I say in 205,000 klm, mine
have shown no problems. Another good feature
is unlike a cartridge you can examine the
filters for particles which will warn of
any on coming problems. The filters as easily
available and cheap as chips, so if your
engine is old (not just rebuilt) I would
suggest changing them every 1,000 miles
for the first 5 times, and if they remain
reasonably clean and unclogged, then like
me 5,000 will be OK.
Here are pics of another couple of good
mods which I have done.
First is the water pump,
which as you know with the string gland
either leaks or, or worse, loads and wears
the cross shaft. 2 sealed bearing 28mm X
15mm X 7mm + a lip seal 28 X 15 X 8 just
fit in the housing without any mods. My
shaft was a little worn so I fitted a thin
sleeve, which is a simple job even with
the most basic lath. Cost about $30 all
in. Just started to drip last week, so next
time will change at 200K not 205K! Other
good mod was fitting rubber tips to my float
needles on Brass Sloppers. Amy, my 100 mph
car, used to do around 18 mpg (UK gallons)
After the mod I now get 25 mpg.(35% improvement)
I could always smell fuel when traveling
at a bit of a lick, so put it down to vibration
making the needles dance and flood. You
buy a set of modern SU float needles and
jets, thread the needle, drill and tap the
brass one, also drill and tap the float
bowl, and screw in the jet. Of course you
have to reset the needle height, which is
Thats my two pence worth, and if any
one wants more information they can mail
me direct. If it is of interest, my
background is I trained as a Maintenance
and toolroom fitter, and later ran a World
Class motorcycle race team. I have rebuilt
quite a few Bentley engines for friends
as well as my own.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
Sidney Farnsworth -
Dec 28, 2013
We installed a Filter on our 4 1/2. If memory
serves me correctly the biggest concern
was to ensure the oil pump was adequate
to maintain a proper flow through it. We
use strictly 50 weight non detergent oil,
as difficult as it is to obtain sometimes.
Roley Fraser - Dec 28,
Robert, the whole subject of mods comes
up every now and then. In my opinion, it
depends whether you want to keep originality
or to have a car which is easy to drive
and maintain.
When I owned YM
57 I had several mods: Hydraulic front
brakes, electric fuel pump, overdrive, coil
ignition a 16 gallon tank and an alternator.
These mods were made for a car that was
easy to drive for long journeys, and a great
deal less worry about things going wrong.
I never bothered too much about originality
as I never looked on the car as an investment
but as something to enjoy. I believe
that since I sold her YM has been rebuilt
to be as near original as a 3/4.5 "bitsa"
car can be, so presumably is being treated
as an investment more's the pity!
With all good wishes for 2014.
James Medcalf - Dec
28, 2013
Dear Robert, These pictures show early 3
lt Oil Filter which I modified some 30 years
ago. You have to turn the filter 180 degrees
in order to get the oil from pump to the
outside of the filter element.
The square sealing ring
that comes with the early Land Rover Oil
Filter Part Number RTC 3183 can be fitted
into the filter end cap. This modification
has been covered on the Jimmy Medcalf Technical
days over the last 25 years so it quite
widely used.
My kindest regards and very best wishes
for the New Year.
Jimmy (J D Medcalf, BDC President)
Ed Gehringer - Dec 28,
Hi Robert, I had an early 3L (1924 - Chassis
on which I installed a coil and oil filter
on the near side.
This car never let me down
on tours through the Alps, the NAVBM, two
Nova Scotia tours, and many on the west
coast. It was so easy to change the Fram
filter and know that the 50W oil was always
clean. I like the mag/coil setup as well;
the car started very quickly and always
performed well. The only drawback was the
small autovac, which on very long, gradual
grades would sometimes run dry, requiring
a stop on the shoulder to allow it to recover.
Happy 2014 Robert.
Gregory Porter - Dec
27, 2013
Dear Robert, my dad John Porter was the
guy who started fitting pre lube system
to Bentleys. It was a good system and eliminated
the risk of dry starting a motor. The outfit
that made the pre lube pumps went out of
When it comes to oil filters my thoughts
are very in favor. Modern engine oil is
not designed for white metal engines, and
any protection that can be added is a good
idea. The modern oil filter kits sold by
the club are simple, and they also do not
effect a cars originality. They in fact
make the car more useable.
Sincerely, Greg Porter
Donald Day - Dec 27,
Dear Robert, Thank you for your interesting
Regarding oil filtration: If the engine
has been converted to run on modern shell
bearings, oil filtration of some form should
be introduced: if it is still running on
white metal, it is not necessary to modify
anything. The best improvement to a 3-litre's
oil system is to double the speed of the
pump - for which we can supply the appropriate
crankshaft and oil pump shaft gears.
My own 3-litre has no oil filtration, a
double speed pump which gives about 60 psi
continuously, has shell bearings for its
much stronger modern connecting rods and
modern case hardened crankshaft but still
has white metal mains and has run satisfactorily
for the past 18 years.
I do hope this helps.
With best wishes for the New Year,
Donald Day
Oil filter and circulation system in
Vintage Bentleys |
By Robert
McLellan |
Should the oil filter and circulation
system on an early 3 Litre (or any other Vintage Bentley)
be maintained as original or can it, or should it be
improved or replaced? There have been several attempts
in the past and apparently with good results. One disadvantage
is that originality is altered. In some cases, drastically.
There have been several replacement filter systems suggested
in the past. Going a step further are the modifications
that were done to The Great American Racer, an early
3 Litre owned by Dick Burdick that has made several
rally runs across the United States. The objective was
to limit engine wear and increase reliability with a
modern oil pump/filter system on chassis 392.
View photos of this system on his chassis
page. When the engine is started, the pressure is
instantly high and remains high at idle and under acceleration
and deceleration. It is not just a modern oil filter.
His mechanic said a modern oil filter alone would not
work because it would restrict flow efficiency. A modern
oil filter needs a pressurized system.
Vintage Bentley owner and
restorer Alan Smith made these comments, which readers
will find of interest:
"A few
years ago some American Bentley owners such as Bill
Porter fitted pre pressure oil systems to their engines.
These systems used an external oil pressure source that
would pressurize the oil system prior to starting up
the engine, the theory being that this would minimize
engine wear as the engine normally rotates several times
before the oil pressure pump is able to bring the system
up to pressure.
Looking at the photos of Dick Burdick's car I can see
that the oil filter system is the same as on my engine
in that he has fitted a full flow oil filter but there
is something else that I can't identify but I suspect
that it is an external pressure device.
The modern full flow oil filter that I fitted to my
car is the same system as on a modern car but on a modern
car the filter is fitted to the side of the crankcase
to an internal oilway.
I don't know anyone that has fitted this external oil
pressure system, the only way to know if this system
does work is to do comparison tests on an engine that
is fitted with the system and on an engine that is not
fitted with this system. I suppose it's just too much
work so we will never know!
Perhaps you can ask the mechanic if such tests were
carried out but I bet that they weren't, so this theory
is really unproven.
The filter system that you have (on your car) at the
moment is fine, is full flow but liable to failure if
water is in the oil. The solution is to fit a full flow
external oil filter which has a bypass fitted such as
the one on my car, making sure that the filter is mounted
in the correct direction relative to the oil flow (direction
arrows on the filter nozzles will show this).
As regards wear on start up, a good synthetic multi
grade oil will help but as nowadays the cars are just
languishing in the garages and never taken out
this problem with wear is really just academic."
My response was that my discussion with Dick Burdick's
mechanic/restorer was about 20 years ago and the Burdick
museum was closed and the cars sold. I would think the
subject of filters and oil pumps is worthy of discussion.
After all, we do not want our engines to wear out and
technology has changed. Is there a better way or was
W.O. Bentley's way adequate? What are your solutions?
Do you have a revised system? Is there one being produced
to our cars?
Updated on Feb 12,
Posted on Jan 08, 2013 |
Sep 30, 2020 - Info and photograph received from Simon Hunt for Chassis No. RL3439 |
Sep 30, 2020 - Info and photographs received from Dick Clay for Chassis No. 147 |
Sep 29, 2020 - Info and photographs received from Ernst Jan Krudop for his Chassis No. AX1651 |
Sep 28, 2020 - Info and photographs received from Lars Hedborg
for his Chassis No. KL3590 |
Sep 25, 2020 - Info and photograph added for Registration No. XV 3207 |
Sep 24, 2020 - Info and photograph added for Registration No. YM 7165 |
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